Thursday, March 25, 2010

Links -- Natural Disaster

Ten Deadliest Natural Disasters

Feature articles on natural disasters:

Natural Disasters Up More Than 400 Percent in Two Decades

6/5/2008 - (NaturalNews) The number of natural disasters around the world has increased by more than four times in the last 20 years, according to a report released by the British charity Oxfam. Oxfam analyzed data from the Red Cross, United Nations and researchers...

Earthquake and Cyclone Victims: How Can We Help End Suffering Now and In the Future?

5/16/2008 - (NaturalNews) I've struggled all week with the question of how I can best help the victims of the recent natural disasters that have devastated populations in China and Myanmar. It is not a simple matter to ponder. How can people in North America (or...

How to better prepare yourself and your family against climate change, natural disasters and the post-oil economy (opinion)

7/20/2007 - I've been a proponent of personal preparedness for many years. "Preparedness" simply means having some backup supplies on hand to help you get through unexpected events or hard times, and over the last decade, we've seen numerous examples of why preparedness... introduces a travel safety tool with LED light, radio, cell phone charger, seatbelt cutter, glass break and more

6/22/2007 - Unlike most of our product reviews, this one isn't about your health or nutrition. It's about your personal safety. Better Life Goods (a company I own, see full disclosure below) has just finished a large production run on an new, unique safety and preparedness...

Humanity cannot live without nature, but nature can live without humanity

1/23/2005 - Just after Christmas Day, 2004, the Earth experienced one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history (a 9.0) under the waters of the Indian Ocean. We also witnessed a barrage of unusual hurricanes during the summer of 2004 off the coast of Florida...

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